too short
It was funny, but in some way I expected it would be longer than it actually was. There should be more, different "VS"-scenes, e.g. getting in the car, being chased by the cops/the army... and so on.
too short
It was funny, but in some way I expected it would be longer than it actually was. There should be more, different "VS"-scenes, e.g. getting in the car, being chased by the cops/the army... and so on.
Yeah, that's great. I'll make sure to TRY to make the continuations as funny or funnier in the future.
Excellent, although somehow not as good as part 1
An high level of detail, excellent music and graphics (hm OK, their mostly Randy's, so it's nothing surprising ^^).
However, you got to work on your fighting-animations...
There is to little action... and I'm not sure... but did Birdo do a single movement? Exept shooting those eggs?
...and besides... where's Wart? Shouldn't HE be guarding the princess or something?
Also, it somehow appeared too short to me... some way I'm disappointed. Not that it would be bad or anything, but somehow I expected more...
Well, at "least" you have given the explanation I asked for. ^^
Think to yourself. Does Birdo move at all in SMB 2? All he does is jump, walk, and shoot. And I clearly animated it EXACTLY like him in the game.
"All your Rupees are belong to Link"
I can highly encourage you to make more of these!
The graphics are really good, so is the humor.
Besides, I liked the opening scene with all those classic soundeffects as well!
Actually I was planning to hopefully make another of these. ;)
I played Sonic Heroes and I really liked it.
Yup I wasn't satisfied with the original storyline of Sonic Heroes either...
This is a good parody of it, although the graphics... well, nothing against your style, but there were some scenes with really bad graphics.
However, that didn't stop me from voting 5.
Thats true, thanks for the comment
How do you explain that there are 2 Marios?
...I mean, Mario is "inside the movie". But how is "your" Mario related to "Randy's" Mario? Is it a parallel universe? The future? The past?
I mean, ROMK is a movie about Mario, where "your" Mario accidently "jumps in". Well, did the events of ROMK happen in the world of "your" Mario too??? Or are they fictional?
Aww... It's just confusing.
But I really liked it. Keep it up. I wanna see more (although a better explanation next time could be an improvement).
They'll confront each other in part 2. :)
"I am your father" - "Bullshit!"
I liked the part where you turned the "I am your father"-scene upside down. Really good humor.
Mmm, maybe the graphic could need some improvement, although they were not bad.
Hey this is the first time I've drawn this way, it's bound to get better.
Glad you found it funny, thanks.
love the music
Cool, I always had something similar in mind only with a different soundtrack! :)
I especially liked that part of the music where you hear the error-message-sound as a beat!
I tried ahile to get the timing. Thanks for noticing!
This movie was excellent! I like the style, it wasn´t as "clumsy" as many other sprite-movies, no you´re charcters even dissapear in a shadow and I liked the way they moved.
Also, the music fitted absolute perfectly.
:D thank you! originality means alot to me, thanks for the compliments :)
and yeah, i fitted the animation round the music rather than the other way round, im glad you noticed ;)
Zelda was kidnapped; I thought it was sth serious!
This movie is just increadibly funny!
Link´s face looks really funny as soon as he discoveres a vase to smash!
And the dialogs are great! Especialy those of Ganondorf!
Yeah, Zelda's kidnapping is on the daily schedule.. morning 7, wake up.
Morning 8, princess zelda kidnapped, 8.30 breakfast, 9 o clock, bothering link with a pointless quest to stall his rescue of Zelda, 10 o clock a feast for Zelda's return, 11. 30, hide random magical stars, 1 in the after noon lunch, 2 in the afternoon princess peach is kidnapped, 3 in the afternoon, be carefull for Mario running around to find the stars, and so on.. What a nice day in videogame land ^^;
We must call Jack Bauer for help, only he can diffuse the bomb. And save the president. And stop world hunger. And rescue the princess. And find Waldo. And AAAAAALLL in only ONNNE DAY!!!11!! Q_@
Age 40, Male
Berlin, Germany
Joined on 5/5/05