Better than Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom
My eyes were focused on the computer screen, I couldn´t move them away from it - I was staring at YOUR MOVIE, unable to believe what I saw. I was amazed by the almost ridiculously extreme fighting skills possesed by the characters in this movie.
Congratulations, I never thought there could be a movie with better fighting-animations with Mario-characters than the "Rise of Mushroom Kingdom"-series. You´ve definetively beaten it.
You succesfully got rid of the minor bugs in your last Mario-series (Mario Allstar Adventure) (still I can recomand everyone to watch these!) that keept it away from becoming better than ROTM, which were:
- sometimes missing soundeffects
- the speaking-bubbles (doesn´t fit to the situation)
- wrong music-cuts and sometimes bad scene-cuts
You got straight to the action - this is the right way to go, I can only encourage you to continue!!