Okay, comments for the explosive Mario also come in here.
Super explosive Mario 64:
Here it goes: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/
...waiting while movie is in judgement...
...wtf? I submitted the movie 6 minutes ago, and it's 16 minutes long! How can it have 26 votes?!
So! After over 2 days of horrible trial-and-error-compression to fit the 13,4 MB 16 minute 8 months production time 1 year secretly in the works first and a halfth flashmovie into the 10 MB filesizelimit of Newgrounds, it finally ...fits into the 10 MB filesize limit on Newgrounds.
Heh. In the end I even got this erromessage.
It's awesome the filesizelimit was increased to 10 MB in the first place, though.
I didn't want to cut anything out, and cutting the movie in half... I dunno if that would've worked out.
Deviant Art version is here:
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/57 067392/
Uhh... dunno what else I have to say...
well just read the trivia pages in the bonus section of the flash...
well, uhm, and...
Dude, that movie rocked.
I bet you should have kept it over 10 MB, and had the NG staff see it. They would probably had liked it, and thought it deserved more than a 3.08.
Thanks! :-)
Yeah, newgrounds is full of evil blam thirsty morons, watching 30 seconds of a movie and then guess if this will make it through judegement, gambling on blam points. :-(
In my case, they most likely didn't even watch 28 seconds, since that's where the "melting sprites" effect kicks in.
Maybe I should have, maybe I even could have asked Roger Weide if HE would have asked them, but I didn't want to start my "career" on Newgrounds by begging on the site's staff. ._.#